This is about the effect of feelings on focused attention and concentration. There is a difference between focused attention and high concentration. Focused attention requires the use of attention resources for a very limited area or task. Concentration is different from focused attention. Concentration does not exclude whole areas of interest unless they can be linked to the subject at one or other level of abstraction. That’s why we talk about deep concentration but not deep focusing.
Bu yazı duyguların dikkat toplamak ve konsantrasyona etkileri üzerine. Dikkat toplamak(focused attention) ile yüksek konsantrasyon(high concentration) arasında bir fark var. Dikkat toplamak ilgi kaynaklarının(attention resources) çok küçük sınırlı bir alanda odaklanmasını gerektirir. Konsantrasyon odaklanmış dikkatten farklıdır. Konsantrasyon konu ile bir soyutlama seviyesinde ya da öbüründe ilişikilendirilebilen alanların tek tek herbirinin tümünü dikkate alır, dışlamaz. Zaten bu yüzden ‘derin dikkat(deep concentration)’ dan bahsederiz, ‘derin odaklanmadan’ değil.
The effect of feelings, namely getting sentimental or a certain affective mood during a task may have certain effects to the quality of the work done. These effects may be positive in the short term as increasing motivation under /against too much load. They may be negative as the effect of an airplane accident on the air traffic controllers who must still continue to control the remaining hundreds of aircrafts in the air.
Duyguların etkisi yani duygusallaşma veya bir iş yaparken belirli bir duygusal hava yapılan işin kalitesi üzerinde bazı etkiler yapabilir. Bu etkiler aşırı yük altında çalışırken motivasyon-şevki arttırarak kısa vadede olumlu olabilir. Bir uçak kazasının hala havada olan yüzlerce uçağı kontrol etmek zorunda olan hava trafik kontrolörleri üzerindeki etkisi gibi olumsuz da olabilir.
Feelings control the thinking speed hence control the depth and establish the context of thinking. Thinking speed is a commonly used term but diffrent hormones effect different parts of the brain and may cause working speeds in those regions. It may not be wise to use thinking speed in place of a global brain speed performance as in CPU speeds of the computers. I refer to the cognitive processing speed of the brain when I mention thinking speed. It is also interesting to question what exactly thinking speed means. Is it the propagation speed of signals in the neural networks via chemical reactions? Or is it the inverse of the resolution duration of a minimal decision taking in the neural networks?
Duygular düşünme hızını kontrol ederler böylece düşünme derinliğini kontrol ederler ve bağlamı(context) oluştururlar. Düşünme hızı genelde kullanılan bir deyim fakat farklı hormonlar beynin farklı kısımlarını etkiler ve bu bölgelerde farklı çalışma hızlarına neden olurlar. Düşünme hızını bilgisayarların CPU hızları gibi genel bir beyin performans hızı şeklinde kullanmak akıllıca olmaz. Düşünme hızı dediğimde bahsettiğim beynin muhakeme hızını (cognitive processing) kastediyorum. Düşünme hızının tam olarak ne belirttiğini sorgulamak ilginç sonuçlara götürür. İşaretlerin zihin sinirsel ağlarında kimyasal etkileşimlerle yayılma hızı(propagation) mı? Yoksa Zihin sinirsel ağlarında alınan en küçük kararın oluşma süresinin bir bölü değeri mi?
There certainly exist time frames in the brain processing which establish time limits for the propagation of signals in the neural networks. These time limits may be set by hormones which control the chemical conditions that in turn control the propagation conditions in these networks. Feelings effect the hormon production and flow in the body. Hence feelings effect our cognitive abilities, namely decisions.
Beynin işleyişinde sinirsel ağlarda işaret yayılmasına sınırlar koyan zaman çerçeveleri olduğu muhakkaktır. Bu zaman sınırları kimyasal reaksiyonları ve bunlar aracılığı ile ağlarda yayılım koşullarını kontrol eden hormonlar tarafından belirleniyor olabilir. Böylece, duygular muhakeme yeteneklerimizi yani kararlarımızı etkiler.
Speaking of thinking speed, one must not forget the dynamic character and differentiate between minimal and major variations. The effect of minimal variations may be positive on the thinking performance while the reverse on major variations. Also, one must consider the gradual and sudden changes. The effect of gradual changes may create complex situations such as the loss of the situational awareness in pilots while making smalltalk with colleagues. The effect of sudden changes may be good when the operator is well trained and can control the extra influx of the hormones to increase his performance in emergencies.
Düşünme hızı dendiğinde, kişi dinamik tabiatı unutmamalı ve küçük ve büyük değişimler arasında ayrım yapmalı. Küçük değişimlerin düşünme performansı üzerinde etkileri olumlu olabildiği gibi büyüklerin ki olumsuz olabilir. Aynı zamanda, kişi yavaş yavaş ve ani değişimleri dikkate almalı. Yavaş değişimlerin etkisi durum farkındalığı(situation awareness)nın kaybı gibi karışık durumlar yaratabilir. Operatör iyi eğitilmiş olup fazla hormon akımını karşılaştığı olağanüstü durumdaki performansını arttırmak için kullanabilirse ani değişimlerin operatör üstündeki etkisi olumlu olabilir.
Last but not the least, the feeling of taste is the key to onderstanding feelings as much as seeing for understanding cognition. Tasting sets the way to feeling and seeing to thinking, developmentally and evolutionarily.
Son olarak fakat en sonuncu önemde olmayan bir nokta: görme duyusu zihinsel muhakeme yeteneğini anlamakta ne kadar anahtar ise tat alma duyusu da duyguları anlamakta anahtardır. Tat alma duyguları anlamak için, görme duygusu ise düşünmeği anlamak için yol açar, bebeklikteki gelişim süreci ve insanın evrim süreçleri açısından…
I am a former EUROCONTROL software analyst-programmer in Flight Plan Processing at Karlsruhe UIR control center Karlsruhe with operational responsibility of maintenance and enhancement 1992 - 1997. My experience is in large systems also outside the ATC area. Systems psychology and human computer interaction areas are of special interest to me and I have taught in these areas at Istanbul Yeditepe University computer department.
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Monday, January 04, 2010
The Effect of Feelings on Concentration
This is about the effect of feelings on focused attention and concentration. There is a difference between focused attention and high concentration. Focused attention requires the use of attention resources for a very limited area or task. Concentration is different from focused attention. Concentration does not exclude whole areas of interest unless they can be linked to the subject at one or other level of abstraction. That’s why we talk about deep concentration but not deep focusing.
The effect of feelings, namely getting sentimental or a certain affective mood during a task may have certain effects to the quality of the work done. These effects may be positive in the short term as increasing motivation under /against too much load. They may be negative as the effect of an airplane accident on the air traffic controllers who must still continue to control the remaining hundreds of aircrafts in the air.
Feelings control the thinking speed hence control the depth and establish the context of thinking. Thinking speed is a commonly used term but diffrent hormones effect different parts of the brain and may cause working speeds in those regions. It may not be wise to use thinking speed in place of a global brain speed performance as in CPU speeds of the computers. I refer to the cognitive processing speed of the brain when I mention thinking speed. It is also interesting to question what exactly thinking speed means. Is it the propagation speed of signals in the neural networks via chemical reactions? Or is it the inverse of the resolution duration of a minimal decision taking in the neural networks?
There certainly exist time frames in the brain processing which establish time limits for the propagation of signals in the neural networks. These time limits may be set by hormones which control the chemical conditions that in turn control the propagation conditions in these networks. Feelings effect the hormon production and flow in the body. Hence feelings effect our cognitive abilities, namely decisions.
Speaking of thinking speed, one must not forget the dynamic character and differentiate between minimal and major variations. The effect of minimal variations may be positive on the thinking performance while the reverse on major variations. Also, one must consider the gradual and sudden changes. The effect of gradual changes may create complex situations such as the loss of the situational awareness in pilots while making smalltalk with colleagues. The effect of sudden changes may be good when the operator is well trained and can control the extra influx of the hormones to increase his performance in emergencies.
Last but not the least, the feeling of taste is the key to onderstanding feelings as much as seeing for understanding cognition. Tasting sets the way to feeling and seeing to thinking, developmentally and evolutionarily.
The effect of feelings, namely getting sentimental or a certain affective mood during a task may have certain effects to the quality of the work done. These effects may be positive in the short term as increasing motivation under /against too much load. They may be negative as the effect of an airplane accident on the air traffic controllers who must still continue to control the remaining hundreds of aircrafts in the air.
Feelings control the thinking speed hence control the depth and establish the context of thinking. Thinking speed is a commonly used term but diffrent hormones effect different parts of the brain and may cause working speeds in those regions. It may not be wise to use thinking speed in place of a global brain speed performance as in CPU speeds of the computers. I refer to the cognitive processing speed of the brain when I mention thinking speed. It is also interesting to question what exactly thinking speed means. Is it the propagation speed of signals in the neural networks via chemical reactions? Or is it the inverse of the resolution duration of a minimal decision taking in the neural networks?
There certainly exist time frames in the brain processing which establish time limits for the propagation of signals in the neural networks. These time limits may be set by hormones which control the chemical conditions that in turn control the propagation conditions in these networks. Feelings effect the hormon production and flow in the body. Hence feelings effect our cognitive abilities, namely decisions.
Speaking of thinking speed, one must not forget the dynamic character and differentiate between minimal and major variations. The effect of minimal variations may be positive on the thinking performance while the reverse on major variations. Also, one must consider the gradual and sudden changes. The effect of gradual changes may create complex situations such as the loss of the situational awareness in pilots while making smalltalk with colleagues. The effect of sudden changes may be good when the operator is well trained and can control the extra influx of the hormones to increase his performance in emergencies.
Last but not the least, the feeling of taste is the key to onderstanding feelings as much as seeing for understanding cognition. Tasting sets the way to feeling and seeing to thinking, developmentally and evolutionarily.