On the Nature of Decision Making
Karar Vermenin Doğası Üzerine
The difficulty of making decisions can be made easier by choosing the right decision process. The approach, the epistemology of decision making has to be correctly chosen to make a difficult decision.
Karar vermenin güçlüğü karar vermek için gerekli süreci doğru seçerek azaltılabilir. Güç bir kararı başarıyla verebilmek için doğru yaklaşım, epistemoloji seçilmeli.
We have developed various techniques for making difficult decisions. Partial decisions, delayed decisions, temporary decisions, imperfact decisions, incomplete decisions, reduced decisions, extended decisions..
When studied closely each of these make decision taking easier.
Güç kararlar vermek için çeşitli teknikler geliştirmişiz. Kısmi kararlar, gecikmeli kararlar, geçici kararlar, ideal olmayan kararlar, eksik kararlar, indirgenmiş kararlar, genişletilmiş kararlar. Yakından incelendiğinde görülür ki bunların herbiri karar vermeği kolaylaştırır.
Partial decisions may be implemented in many ways. The basic principle is dividing a difficult task to smaller pieces. The decision may be taken as an aggregate of decisions made on various parts of the main task. The sub divisions may even be given by different individuals. A decision may be divided to subdecisions which are spreaded through time. This may be useful for time dependent tasks. Flight Plan Processing uses this tecnique for ensuring the safe surveillence of aircraft.
Kısmi kararlar bir çok şekilde gerçekleştirilebilirler. Temel prensip güç bir işin küçük parçalara bölünmesi. Ana işin çeşitli küçük parçaları üzerinde verilen küçük kararların toplamı ana kararı verebilir. Alt kısım karaları başka başka kişiler tarafından verilebilir. Bir karar zaman içinde dağılmış alt karar kısımlarına bölünebilir. Bu durum zamana bağlı işlerde kullanışlı olabilir. Uçuş planlama işlemleri uçakların güvenli seyri için bu tekniği kullanır.
Delayed decisions also help to clarify complex situations and minimize risk. Air traffic controllers try to delay their decisions as much as possible to avoid unnecessary moves and reduce risk.
Geciktirilmiş karalar da karışık durumları açığa çıkarmak ve riski en aza indirmek için bize yardımcı olurlar. Hava Trafik Kontrolörleri uçakalara gereksiz hareketler yaptırmaktan kaçınmak ve riski azaltmak için karar vermeği mümkün olduğunca çok geciktirirler.
Temporary decisions are used when nothing is clear but something has to be done. The chances are your choice may be correct. It is used emergency situations. Temporary decisions are used by companies when they do not have the ability to see the economic situation or the situation of their operations.
Geçici kararlar hiç bir şeyin belirli olmadığı fakat bir şeyin ille de yapılması gerektiği zamanlarda kullanılırlar.
Bir olasılık seçiminiz doğru olabilir. Acil durumlarda kullanılır. Geçici kararlar ekonomik durumu veya kendi önlerini göremeyen şirketler tarafından kullanılırlar.
Imperfact decisions are made when the ability of the workers or company is not enough. An imperfact decision is taken nevertheless to continue working and improve it ASAP.
İdeal olmayan kararlar çalışanların ya da şirketin yeteneklerinin-imkanlarının yeterli olmadığı zamanlarda kullanılır. Çalışmağa devam etmek ve durumu en kısa sürede iyileştirmek için ideal olmayan bir karar alınır.
An incomplete decision is not an imperfact decision. You make an incomplete decision with open options to be selected later on. It is used when flexibility is required.
Eksik bir karar ideal olmayan bir karar değildir. Sonradan seçim yapılabilecek açık seçenekler içeren eksik karalar verirsiniz. Esneklik gerekli olduğu zaman kullanılır.
Reduced decisions are logically reduced from the required decisions. They are not necessarily the same as the original decision but its results give the linearly independent items of the original decision.
İndirgenmiş kararlar gerekli kararlardan mantıksal olarak indirgenir. Orijinal kararın aynısı olmaları gerekmez fakat orijinal kararın lineer bağımsız unsurlarını içeren en az bir sonucu vardır.
Extended decisions may make things easier by enhancing the results area of the original decision.
Genişletilmiş kararlar bazı durumlarda orijinal kararı içeren sonuç alanını genişleterek işi kolaylaştırır.
It is not enough to educate and train students who can just think excellently. Students of mentally demanding professions should be trained to develop skills and habits of how they can reduce their load of thinking.
Yalnızca harika düşünebilen öğrenciler yetiştirmek yeterli değildir. Zihinsel yükü ağır mesleklerde çalışacak öğrenciler kendi zihinsel yüklerini nasıl azaltabileceklerine ilişkin yetenekler ve alışkanlıklar geliştirmeği öğrenmeli-öğretilmelidirler.
I am a former EUROCONTROL software analyst-programmer in Flight Plan Processing at Karlsruhe UIR control center Karlsruhe with operational responsibility of maintenance and enhancement 1992 - 1997. My experience is in large systems also outside the ATC area. Systems psychology and human computer interaction areas are of special interest to me and I have taught in these areas at Istanbul Yeditepe University computer department.
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Saturday, November 27, 2010
On the Nature of Decision Making
The difficulty of making decisions can be made easier by choosing the right decision process. The approach, the epistemology of decision making has to be correctly chosen to make a difficult decision.
We have developed various techniques for making difficult decisions. Partial decisions, delayed decisions, temporary decisions, imperfact decisions, incomplete decisions, reduced decisions, extended decisions... When studied closely each of these make decision taking easier.
Partial decisions may be implemented in many ways. The basic principle is dividing a difficult task to smaller pieces. The decision may be taken as an aggregate of decisions made on various parts of the main task. The sub divisions may even be given by different individuals. A decision may be divided to subdecisions which are spreaded through time. This may be useful for time dependent tasks. Flight Plan Processing uses this tecnique for ensuring the safe surveillence of air craft.
Delayed decisions also help to clarify complex situations and minimize risk. Air traffic controllers try to delay their decisions as much as possible to avoid unnecessary moves and reduce risk.
Temporary decisions are used when nothing is clear but something has to be done. The chances are your choice may be correct. It is used emergency situations. Temporary decisions are used by companies when they do not have the ability to see the economic situation or the situation of their operations.
Imperfact decisions are made when the ability of the workers or company is not enough. An imperfact decision is taken nevertheless to continue working and improve it ASAP.
An incomplete decision is not an imperfact decision. You make an incomplete decision with open options to be selected later on. It is used when flexibility is required.
Reduced decisions are logically reduced from the required decisions. They are not necessarily the same as the original decision but its results give the linearly independent items of the original decision.
Extended decisions may make things easier by enhancing the results area of the original decision.
It is not enough to educate and train students who can just think excellently. Students of mentally demanding professions should be trained to develop skills and habits of how they can reduce their load of thinking.
We have developed various techniques for making difficult decisions. Partial decisions, delayed decisions, temporary decisions, imperfact decisions, incomplete decisions, reduced decisions, extended decisions... When studied closely each of these make decision taking easier.
Partial decisions may be implemented in many ways. The basic principle is dividing a difficult task to smaller pieces. The decision may be taken as an aggregate of decisions made on various parts of the main task. The sub divisions may even be given by different individuals. A decision may be divided to subdecisions which are spreaded through time. This may be useful for time dependent tasks. Flight Plan Processing uses this tecnique for ensuring the safe surveillence of air craft.
Delayed decisions also help to clarify complex situations and minimize risk. Air traffic controllers try to delay their decisions as much as possible to avoid unnecessary moves and reduce risk.
Temporary decisions are used when nothing is clear but something has to be done. The chances are your choice may be correct. It is used emergency situations. Temporary decisions are used by companies when they do not have the ability to see the economic situation or the situation of their operations.
Imperfact decisions are made when the ability of the workers or company is not enough. An imperfact decision is taken nevertheless to continue working and improve it ASAP.
An incomplete decision is not an imperfact decision. You make an incomplete decision with open options to be selected later on. It is used when flexibility is required.
Reduced decisions are logically reduced from the required decisions. They are not necessarily the same as the original decision but its results give the linearly independent items of the original decision.
Extended decisions may make things easier by enhancing the results area of the original decision.
It is not enough to educate and train students who can just think excellently. Students of mentally demanding professions should be trained to develop skills and habits of how they can reduce their load of thinking.