Saturday, March 28, 2020

Performance as language of social interaction

Performance as language of social interaction
Edwin Hutchins, Cognition_in_the_Wild

The division of labor mandated in Sea and Anchor Detail distributes the elements of the fix cycle across social space. Wherever computations are distributed across social organization, computational dependencies are also social dependencies . Performance is embedded in real human relationships . Every action is not only a piece of the computation , a bit of the task completed ; it is also a social message. Building and maintaining good social relationships becomes an important motive for competent performance .

The social structure is not only the framework on which the communication is based, it is also the mechanism that is in place prior to the interactions to ensure that they take place as required .
Why should the pelorus operator cooperate? Because adequate performance is the currency of social interaction . 

A student was making a point about what people do at work, saying that in an auto factory people mostly make cars. Roy said something like: "How do you know what they are doing? Maybe what they are making is social relationships and the cars are a side effect."

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Grup Özelliklerine Karşı Kişisel Özellikler

Grup Özelliklerine Karşı Kişisel Özellikler
Group Properties vs Individual Properties
Edwin Hutchins, Cognition_in_the_Wild

Antropolojide emeğin bölüştürülmesinden daha önemli bir kavram çok az bulunur.
In anthropology there is scarcely a more important concept than the division of labor.

Tu154 - credit belongs to Lufthansa pilot Mrs. Rainer Horsch

Bir insan grubunun enerji bütçesi ve bir grubun fiziksel çevresini kullanma verimliliği açısından, sosyal organizasyon etkenleri bireylerin özelliklerinden farklı grup özellikleri ortaya çıkartır.
In terms of the energy budget of a human group and the efficiency with which a group exploits its physical environment , social organizational factors often produce group properties that differ considerably from the properties of individuals .

Örneğin, Karl Wittfogel (1957, Roberts 1964) hidrolik tarım ve doğu despotluğu hakkında yazarken,: yalnız kitlesel emek kullanarak büyük miktarda suyun kanallanabileceğini; ve bu kitlesel emeğin koordine edilmek, disiplinli olmak ve yönetilmek zorunda olduğunu söylemiştir.
For example , Karl Wittfogel (1957, cited in Roberts 1964),  writing about the advent of hydraulic farming and Oriental despotism , says:  A large quantity of water can be channeled and kept within bounds only by the use of mass labor ; and this mass labor must be coordinated , disciplined , and led. 

Böylece kurak aşağı arazileri ve ovaları fethetmek isteyen birkaç çiftçi – makina öncesi teknoloji temelinde – tek başarı şansını sunan organizasyonel cihazları harekete geçirmek zorunda kaldılar;
Onlar ortakları ile işbirliği halinde çalışmak ve kendilerini yönetici bir otorite altına almak zorundaydılar.
 Thus a number of farmers eager to conquer arid lowlands and plains are forced to invoke the organizational devices which - on the basis of premachine technology - offer the one chance of success; they must work in cooperation with their fellows and subordinate themselves to a directing authority .

Bu çeşit etki modern yaşamda sayısızdır fakat çoğunlukla görülmezdir.  Emek fiziksel ya da muhakemesel tabiatta olsa da, katılanların faaliyetlerini koordine etmek için, emeğin bütün bölünüşleri dağıtılmış muhakeme gerektirirler.
This kind of effect is ubiquitous in modem life , but it is largely invisible .  All divisions of labor , whether the labor is physical or cognitive in nature , require distriibuted cognition in order to coordinate the activities of the participants .

Dağıtılan emek dağıtılmış muhakemesel emek olduğu zaman, sistem iki çeşit muhakemesel emeğin dağıtımını içerir: Göreve özgü muhakeme ve görevin unusurlarının koordinasyonunu yöneten muhakeme.
When the labor that is disbibuted is cognitive labor , the system involves the disbibution of two kinds of cognitive labor : the cognition that is the task and the cognition that governs the coordination
of the elements of the task.

Böyle bir durumda, muhakemesel görevi icra eden grup, kişinin muhakemesel özelliklerinden farklı muhakemesel özelliklere sahiptir.
In such a case, the group performing the cognitive task may have cognitive properties that differ from the cognitive properties of any individual.

Wednesday, March 04, 2020

Group Properties vs Individual Properties

Group Properties vs Individual Properties
Edwin Hutchins, Cognition_in_the_Wild

In anthropology there is scarcely a more important concept than the division of labor .

In terms of the energy budget of a human group and the efficiency with which a group exploits its physical environment , social organizational factors often produce group properties that differ considerably from the properties of individuals .

For example , Karl Wittfogel (1957, cited in Roberts 1964),  writing about the advent of hydraulic farming and Oriental despotism , says:  A large quantity of water can be channeled and kept within bounds only by the use of mass labor ; and this mass labor must be coordinated , disciplined , and led. 

 Thus a number of farmers eager to conquer arid lowlands and plains are forced to invoke the organizational devices which - on the basis of premachine technology - offer the one chance of success; they must work in cooperation with their fellows and subordinate themselves to a directing authority .

This kind of effect is ubiquitous in modem life , but it is largely invisible .  All divisions of labor , whether the labor is physical or cognitive in nature , require disbibuted cognition in order to coordinate the activities of the participants .

When the labor that is disbibuted is cognitive labor , the system involves the disbibution of two kinds of cognitive labor : the cognition that is the task and the cognition that governs the coordination
of the elements of the task.

In such a case, the group performing the cognitive task may have cognitive properties that differ from the cognitive properties of any individual .