Saturday, December 04, 2021

Frames of Cognition - 3




Each perceivable context triggers some node/word in our semantic vocabulary.  In this sense the daily usage of frames inherently function the same as the cognitive, psychological and sociological uses of frames.

 What happens if a simple frame that is perceived, cannot signify a node/word in our semantic vocabulary?  This happens in three possibilities... 

First the signification may reside somewhere else outside the semantic memory.  It may be a feeling. In amygdala, feelings disappear when addressed. It may be a combination of feelings learned, a wide span of fear vs. anger.


Second it may be a partial context that may fit a signification when completed, either feeling or semantic.


Third it may be a completely new context trigging/pointing to a new feeling or  gradually a new semantic object. 

 “ ‘Emotion’ is a state of mind,” Davachi says and continues. “These findings make clear that our cognition is highly influenced by preceding experiences and, specifically, that emotional brain states can persist for long periods of time. [1]

 Sartre says “Emotion is a specific manner of apprehending the world” and adds “Emotion is a transformation of the world. [2]

 Sartre goes further than Devachi and links the situation that emotion exists in, with the emotion.  Joy is a feeling that is created by specific situations.  It is a state of mind tightly connected to specific events in life.  The specific events are placed in the episodic memory. 

 Joy is triggered by events that are similar to the past events that have created joy.  Each person may have different experiences related to joy.  While roughly close, each person may differ in what they feel as joy, as a result of this. 

 The joyous events in the episodic memory are connected to a specific location in the amygdala.  Joy as word and abstract concept is primarily created and located in the cerebrum/semantic memory.  As all the feelings when joy is perceived consciously, namely when you become conscious of it, it triggers semantic joy and disappears as a feeling.

 Vigilance is a mixed feeling.  We become vigil against a possible bad situation for somebody or something.   The nodes in the semantic memory form the collections which trigg the vigilance frame.  These nodes are instances that exist in the semantic memory.  If the nodes of a frame’s collection do not exist as instantiations, but if they exist as a polymorphic possibility, they may point out to a state of mind rather than a specific node in the semantic memory.

 Vigilance is a state of mind.  The collection of vigilance frame has pointers of various sets of related dangers/risks that may be inherited by polymorphic instances.   But the reality of external input is not there yet.  As Sartre has stated “the emotional subject and the object of emotion are united in an indissoluble synthesis. [2] ”  So, the emotion can not exist fully.   The connection of possible cases create a mild sensitivity feeling of/to a general amygdala connection triggered by these: vigilance, wakefulness, etc.

 What happens if a partial context that may fit some part of a signification when completed?  This may happen in complex situations.  For ex.  Some event may be joyous but sad on the other hand.

The evolution of human being has developed special frames to handle extremely difficult situations.

These are called illusions.  The brain tries to handle the difficult situation itself with builtin abilities

With special tendencies or processes.  In fact what we perceive as reality is the reality our brain creates using the information it receives from the outer environment.

 Visual illusions occur due to properties of the visual areas of the brain as they receive and process information. In other words, your perception of an illusion has more to do with how your brain works -- and less to do with the optics of your eye. [3]

 Psychologist Richard Gregory classified optical illusions into physical, physiological and cognitive, subdivided in turn into fictions, ambiguities, paradoxes and distortions. These different effects involve distinct mechanisms and various levels of neural processing. [4]

 “Visual illusions are defined by the dissociation between the physical reality and the subjective perception of an object or event. When we experience a visual illusion, we may see something that is not there or fail to see something that is there. Because of this disconnect between perception and reality, visual illusions demonstrate the ways in which the brain can fail to re-create the physical world. [5]

 Illusions are not limited to the visual domain.  Illusions may vary from social illusions to economical, visual to bodily felt ones and even more.  I will ponder on the concept of illusions on my next article.  I will also handle cases that the percepted inputs are not complete.


[1] Emotional Hangover? NYU Researchers Find that There is Dec 31, 2016 New York City

[2] Sartre, Sketch for a Theory of Emotions

[3] CARI NIERENBERG, Optical Illusions: When Your Brain Can't Believe Your Eyes, ABC News Medical November 2008

[4] Why Optical Illusions Fool Our Brain, Open Mind October 2020

[5] Susana Martinez-CondeStephen L. Macknik, The Neuroscience of Illusion, How tricking the eye reveals the inner workings of the brain, Scientific American


Friday, October 22, 2021

Frames of Cognition – 2



In “Frames of Cognition-1”, I have stated “It seems frames in daily language signify a different meaning than frames in cognition specially in psychology and sociology.


The daily usage of frame signifies an enclosing border.  The cognitive use of frame signifies a context and a decision of real/true or not real/false. 


The difference of daily and cognitive usage is the triggering mechanism in the cognitive usage.  The cognitive usage also keeps the borders in the sense of being in a collection of objects or not.   But it provides a trigging mechanism and a pointer to an action/schema in addition.  If an input is in the collection of the frame it trigges its schema.  This is a fundemental difference between the daily and other usages of frames arising from the inherent structure of the human brain.”


I have provided some references on the use of frames in different areas of interest also.


Here. in “Frames of Cognition-2”, I will explain why the difference between the daily and other usages of frames is only on the surface.  In fact, frames inherently has the same signified functionality. 


A picture surrounded by a clear context signifies a painting or a picture. 


1-      If the context is composed of a wall and an ornamented frame and a picture in it we simply thing it is a painting.  The presentation frame is the context that trigs/signifies the meaning ‘painting’.

2-      If the context is a computer screen we would percieve it as a simple picture.  The presentation frame/context   trigs/signifies the meaning ‘picture’ or ‘simple picture’.


In fact even a simple frame signifies a meaning in our semantic vocabulary such as a window frame or picture frame which are polymorphic instances of the semantic node ‘frame’.


Each percievable context trigges some node/word in our semantic vocabulary.  In this sense the daily usage of frames inherently function the same as the cognitive, psychological and sociological uses of frames.


What happens if a simple frame that is percieved, cannot signify a node/word in our semantic vocabulary?  This happens in three possibilities... 


First the signification may reside somewhere else outside the semantic memory.  It may be a feeling. 

Second it may be a partial context that may fit a signification when completed, either feeling or semantic.

Third it may be a completely new context trigging/pointing to a new feeling or a new semantic object.


In  “Frames of Cognition-3”, I will first ponder on the feelings of joy and vigilance and on how their processes works.  Then I will brainstorm on the role of frames in the processing of feelings and the interaction of cognition and emotion.


This will prepare the substructure for studying illusions and specially aviation illusions in my later blog articles.

Friday, October 08, 2021

Frames of Cognition 1



It seems frames in daily language signify a different meaning than frames in cognition specially in psychology and sociology.

The daily usage of frame signifies an enclosing border.  The cognitive use of frame signifies a context and a decision of real/true or not real/false. 

The difference of daily and cognitive usage is the triggering mechanism in the cognitive usage.  The cognitive usage also keeps the borders in the sense of being in a collection of objects or not.   But it provides a trigging mechanism and a pointer to an action/schema in addition.  If an input is in the collection of the frame it trigges its schema.  This is a fundemental difference between the daily and other usages of frames arising from the inherent structure of the human brain.

I will provide some references below on the use of frames in different areas of interest.

In “Frames of Cognition-2”, I will explain why the difference between the daily and other usages of frames is only on the surface.  In fact, frames inherently has the same signified functionality. 

In  “Frames of Cognition-3”, I will first ponder on the feeling of vigilance and on how its process works.  Then I will brainstorm on the role of frames in the processing of feelings and the interaction of cognition and emotion.

This will prepare the substructure for studying illusions and specially aviation illusions in my later blog articles.

Frames in daily language

 Definition of Frame by Merriam-Webster [1] :

4a:an enclosing border

b:the matter or area enclosed in such a border: such as :context,frame of reference

Türk Dil Kurumu Sözlüğü [2]:) 

çerçeve Far. çerçeve

a.       ... 3. mec. Bir konunun, bir düşünce alanının sınırları veya bu sınırlar içindeki alan: Boğaziçi'ninböyle bir medeniyet çerçevesi içinde geçen hayatı ne güzel ve mükemmeldir.

Frames in cognition

Frames as Thinking Contexts [3] :

We know that people think in contexts which are well defined and which have clear semantic roles, and these thinking contexts are known as frames. For example, a school frame, when invoked, contains, textbooks, desks, whiteboard,teachers and students – these are all objects with a semantic role of their own which dictates their expected behavior or function.


Our minds tend to evaluate objects, actions and facts as real/true when they correspond to the frame, and as not real/false when they do not.And frames are automatically invoked each time a communication process or a perceptive process refer to the frame, any of itscomponents, or their behaviour.

Frames in psychology

Framing effect (psychology) [4] :

The framing effect is a cognitive bias where people decide on options based on whether the options are presented with positive or negative connotations; e.g. as a loss or as a gain.[1]People tend to avoid risk when a positive frame is presented but seek risks when a negative frame ispresented.

Frames in sociology

Framing (social sciences) [5] :

In the social sciences, framing comprises a set of concepts and theoretical perspectives on how individuals, groups, and societies organize, perceive, and communicate about reality.Framing can manifest in thought or interpersonal communication.



[1] Definition of Frame by Merriam-Webster

1              a:the physical makeup of an animal and especially a human body

b:something composed of parts fitted together and united

2              a:the underlying constructional system or structure that gives shape or strength (as to a building)

b:a frame dwelling

3              a:an open case or structure made for admitting, enclosing, or supporting something

a window frame

d:a machine built upon or within a framework,a spinning frame

4a:an enclosing border

b:the matter or area enclosed in such a border: such as :context,frame of reference

[2] Türk Dil Kurumu 

çerçeve Far. çerçeve

b.        1. Resim, yazı, ayna süslemek veya bir yere asılabilecek duruma getirmek için bunlara geçirilen kenarlık:  Duvarda bir çerçeve asılıdır kiçarpıktır, düzeltemezsiniz. -R. H. Karay. 2. Kapı, pencere ile bunların cam veya tablalarının yerleştirilmiş olduğu kenarlık:  Pencerenin genişçerçevesi yıldız salkımlarıyla dolu.  -Y. Z. Ortaç. 3. mec. Bir konunun, bir düşünce alanının sınırları veya bu sınırlar içindeki alan:  Boğaziçi'ninböyle bir medeniyet çerçevesi içinde geçen hayatı ne güzel ve mükemmeldir.  -A. Ş. Hisar. 4. Beden eğitiminde asılma ve tırmanmalar içinkullanılan araç.

 [3] Frames as Thinking Contexts:

What are frames

We know that people think in contexts which are well defined and which have clear semanticroles, and these thinking contexts are known as frames. For example, a school frame, when invoked, contains, textbooks, desks, whiteboard,teachers and students – these are all objects with a semantic role of their own which dictates their expected behavior or function. Frames are a well known concept in social sciences which isrelated to social constructivism.

When our minds use frames

Our minds tend to evaluate objects, actions and facts as real/true when they correspond to the frame, and as not real/false when they do not.And frames are automatically invoked each time a communication process or a perceptive process refer to the frame, any of itscomponents, or their behaviour.

Interestingly, our minds use “neuron highways”and they tend to prefer to travel over larger routes than over small and narrow streets. This is because in its pursuit of efficiency, the mind chooses the path of lesser resistance for the chemical reaction triggered along the neurological path. And neuron connections strengthen each time we confirm a fact which already fits an established frame.

How frames determine true and false

These frames are, however, different for each person, so the evaluation result of something being real/true or not real/false is subjective.This is because frames are shaped to suit the particular context in which any given individual has been existing. When we evaluate a new piece of information, the mind demonstrates a natural tendency to process this information via the established “highway network” it has. In this attempt to classify the emerging new reality into a pre-existing neurologcal pathway or frame, if the new information fails to fit there,the mind simply discards it as “unnatural”.

This explains why a single fact or information can be evaluated, perceived, and ultimately recorded, in a different manner and with a different connotation. Frames are very, very slow to form and equally difficult to change –and sometimes this is impossible. Next time you debate something with an opponent you’d rather classify as stubborn, think of how long their beliefs have been reinforced over and over to form their minds.


Framing was first introduced byProfessor Gregory Bateson ,an antropologist and polymath, in Steps to anEcology of Mind (1972). (

[4] Framing effect (psychology) 2/5/2021 Framing effect (psychology) - Wikipedia

The framing effect is a cognitive bias where people decide on options based on whether the options are presented with positive or negative connotations; e.g. as a loss or as a gain.[1]People tend to avoid risk when a positive frame is presented but seek risks when a negative frame ispresented.[2] Gain and loss are defined in the scenario as descriptions of outcomes (e.g., lives lost orsaved, disease patients treated and not treated, etc.).Prospect theory shows that a loss is more significant than the equivalent gain,[2] that a sure gain(certainty effect and pseudocertainty effect) is favored over a probabilistic gain,[3] and that a probabilistic loss is preferred to a definite loss.[2] One of the dangers of framing effects is that people are often provided with options within the context of only one of the two frames.

[5] Framing (social sciences) - Wikipedia 1/32

In the social sciences, framing comprises a set of concepts and theoretical perspectives on how individuals, groups, and societies organize, perceive, and communicate about reality.Framing can manifest in thought or interpersonal communication. Frames in thought consist of the mental representations,interpretations, and simplifications of reality. Frames in communication consist of the communication of frames between differentactors.  Framing is a key component of sociology, the study of social interaction among humans. Framing is an integral part of conveying and processing data on a daily basis.

Sunday, September 05, 2021

Çerçeve(Frame) ile Şema(Schema) arasındaki ilişki üzerine


2021 Sep Çerçeve(Frame) ile Şema(Schema) arasındaki ilişki üzerine


Gerçekliği tecrübe edişimiz mükemmel değil. Gerçekliğin ne olduğuna dair yanlış algılarımız olabilir. Gerçekliği olduğu gibi algılamadığımızı anlamak gerçekten önemlidir. Beynimiz, arzularımızı veya beklentilerimizi karşılamak ve insan olarak sınırlarımızı telafi etmek için biz farkına varmadan gerçeklik algımızı eğip büker. Ve geçmiş deneyimlerimizi kullanarak bilinçli olmayan boşlukları doldururlar. Yanılsamalar, zihnimizdeki fizyolojik veya psikolojik çerçevelerden kaynaklanır.


Çerçeveler ve şemalar, beynimizin işleyişinde temel unsurlar olarak bulunur. Çerçeveleri ve şemaları açıklayan birçok metin var. Bunları incelediğimde, konu bir bilgisayar sistem mimarisi bakış açısıyla incelendiği takdirde daha iyi bir kavrayışa ulaşılabileceğini fark ettim. Örneğin, Michael Lee Wood, Dustin S. Stoltz, Justin Van Ness ve Marshall A. Taylor, “Şemalar ve Çerçeveler” adlı makalelerinde çerçeveyi şu şekilde tanımlamaktadır:


“Çerçeveler, kısmen belirli şema kümelerini harekete geçirerek bireylerden belirli tepkiler uyandıran (bedenler ve ayarlar dahil) maddi nesnelerin durumsal topluluklarıdır.” [1]

Frames are situational assemblages of material objects (including bodies and settings) that evoke certain responses from individuals, in part by activating particular sets of schemas.[1]


Bilgisayar mimarisi açısından:

1- Çerçeve, bir koşul oluşturan nesnelerin bir koleksiyonudur.

2- Çerçeve bir tetikleyicidir

3- Çerçeve, çerçevenin koşulu yerine getirildiğinde bir bağlamı (bir partisyonu hazırlar) ve içindeki bir şemayı (bir nesneyi deploy eder) tetikler


Bir çerçeve, bir kimliği/nesneyi tetikleyebilir. Örneğin, bir öğretmen çerçevesi, bir kişi nesnesinden anlamsal olarak miras alınan ve ilgili örneklemeye “öğretmenlerim” vb. sahip olabilen bir öğretmen nesnesini instantiate edebilir, vb.


Örnek bir etkileşim olarak (person, bends his head, your teacher) ---> return his salute.

1-       If a person bends his head when looking at you

2-       If you know that person is your teacher

3-       You return his salute

Çok kabaca şu olaylara neden olur:

1-        (an event frame is triggered)--->respond schema

2-       (respond schema:what action) ===> visualFrame

3-       visualFrame --->  personOBJ                  

4-       (personOBJ ===> whoFrame )

5-       (whoFrame ===> myteacherOBJ )

6-       visualFrame ===>  doesWhatOBJ

7-       doesWhatOBJ --->behaviourOBJ

8-       behaviourOBJ:giveSaluteMETHOD




Burada visualFrame hem personOBJ'yi hem de doWhatOBJ'yi tetikler. Karşılığında bu nesnelerin her ikisi de kimin ve neyin yanıt verdiğini bulmak için çerçeveleri çağırır. Bu, çerçevelerden , başarı veya başarısızlıkla sınırlı bir LOOP davranışı gerektirir.


Bir çerçeve nasıl yürütülür?

Bir çerçeve, durumunu tekrar tekrar kontrol eden bir döngü eyleminin parçası haline gelir. Bir çerçeve konuşlandırıldığında, çerçeve koşulu şu koşulun sağlandığı ana kadar tekrarlı olarak kontrol edilir:

1- başarı ile bitirilip yerine getirilir

2- mevcut verilerin sonuna kadar başarısız olur

3- belirli bir sürenin dolmasına rağmen çalışmaz

4- daha yüksek öncelikli bir çerçeve veya görev devreye alınması gerekir. Bu, ya geçerli çerçeveyi iptal eder ya da uykuya geçmesine neden olur - bir bekleme koşulu.


Bir çerçeve aynı anda birden fazla çalışamaz.

1-      Rabbit-duck illusion [2]

 2- İki farklı hayvan görebilirsiniz ama ikisini aynı anda göremezsiniz.

3- Pratik yaparsanız, her ikisini de bir resmin yarı hayvanları olarak görebilirsiniz, ancak tamamen aynı anda değil..


Aynı anda birden fazla çerçeve çalışabilir.

1-Araba kullanmak, otomatik işlemlerle çağrılan birçok çerçeve kullanır.

2-Otomobil sürerken müzik dinlerseniz VisualFrame aniden tepki vermenize neden olabilir.


Otomatik olarak yerleştirilen yerleşik çerçeveler (görsel çerçeveler) ve manuel veya otomatik olarak dağıtılan (yürüme, yemek yeme) öğrenilmiş çerçeveler (sürüşle ilgili) vardır.


Teyakkuz/önlem vb. ilgili bağlamlarda konuşlandırılan çerçevelerdir. Bu çerçeveler, acil durumun karakterine göre tetiklenebilecek bir içerik veya nesne bölümü hazırlar. Bir bağlam, sürekli olarak yinelenen bir döngü ile içindeki nesneler/yöntemlerle ilgili çerçeveleri sağlar.


“Çerçeveler, bireysel aktörlerin sahip olduğu açıkça belirgin muhakemesel nesnelerdir; onlar bireylerin yaşam alanlarındaki olayları "yerleştirmelerini, algılamalarını, tanımlamalarını ve etiketlemelerini" sağlayan ve “sürekli muhakeme, yorumlama ve sunum kalıpları. . . sembol işleyicilerin rutin olarak söylemi organize ettiği 'yorum şemaları'dır” [3]


Çerçevelerin kendileri nesnelerdir, dolayısıyla yorumlayıcı şemalardır. Ama çerçeve dediğimizde büyük ihtimalle bir örneğinden bahsediyoruz. Çerçeve nesnesi “çerçeve modelleri” olarak adlandırılır ve ilgili çerçeveler bunun örnekleridir. Çerçeveler yorumlayıcı şemalardır. Çerçeveler ve şemalar nesnelerin örnekleridir, dolayısıyla her ikisinin de öznitelikleri ve yöntemleri vardır. Ancak çerçeveler çok daha sabit ve özel karaktere sahiptir. Örneğin, bir nesnenin içinde birçok koleksiyona sahip olabileceği halde çerçevenin kendi  tetiklenme koşulunu tanımlayan yalnızca bir koleksiyonu vardır. Oysa bir şemada birçok ilgili koleksiyon olabilir.

Çerçeveler, şemalardan veya normal nesnelerden farklı bir yerde bulunacaktır. Çerçeveler bir döngü içinde sürekli olarak denenir oysa özyineleme(recursion) durumu dışında bir şema bir kez çalıştırılır. Bu, çerçevelerin Thalamus gibi bir yerde konuşlandırılması/yerleştirilmesi olasılığına yol açarken, şemalar dış kortekste bulunabilir???. Ancak beynin farklı işleyen bölümleri tarafından konuşlandırıldıkları/kontrol edildikleri kesindir. Bunun, nesnel testler tarafından denenmesi gereken bir düşüncedir.



[1] Michael Lee Wood, Dustin S. Stoltz, Justin Van Ness, and Marshall A. Taylor, “Schemas and Frames”,

Sociological Theory 2018, Vol. 36(3) 244–261 © American Sociological Association

[2] rabbit-duck illusion,

[3] Snow, David A., E. Burke Rochford, Steven K. Worden, and Robert D. Benford. “Frame Alignment

Processes, Micromobilization, and Movement Participation.” 1986 American Sociological Review 51(4):464-81.

Monday, August 23, 2021

On the relation of frame and schema


On the relation of frame and schema


Our experience of reality is not perfect.  We may have misperceptions of reality.  It’s really important to understand we’re not perceiving reality, Our brains unconsciously bend our perception of reality to meet our desires or expectations and compensate our limits as humanbeings. And they fill in gaps using our past experiences.  Illusions are caused by frames in our minds, either physiological or psychological. 


Frames and schemata are found to be basic elements in the operation of our brains.  There are many texts that explain frames and schemata.  When I studied them I noticed a better understanding may easily be achieved if the subject is studied with the view of a computer system architecture.  For example in their article “Schemas and Frames”,  Michael Lee Wood, Dustin S. Stoltz, Justin Van Ness, and Marshall A. Taylor define frame as:


Frames are situational assemblages of material objects (including bodies and settings) that evoke certain responses from individuals, in part by activating particular sets of schemas.[1]


In computer architecture terms:

1-       Frame is a collection of objects that form a condition

2-       Frame is a trigger

3-      Frame triggers (prepares a partition) a context and (deploys an object) a schema in it when the frame’s condition is fulfilled


A frame may trigger an identity/an object.  For example a teacher frame may deploy a teacher object which is semantically inherited from a person object and may have related instantiation as “my teachers” etc.


For example an interaction of (person, bends his head, your teacher) ---> return his salute.

1-       If a person bends his head when looking at you

2-       If you know that person is your teacher

3-       You return his salute

May cause events very roughly:

1-        (an event frame is triggered)--->respond schema

2-       (respond schema:what action) ===> visualFrame

3-       visualFrame --->  personOBJ                  

4-       (personOBJ ===> whoFrame )

5-       (whoFrame ===> myteacherOBJ )

6-       visualFrame ===>  doesWhatOBJ

7-       doesWhatOBJ --->behaviourOBJ

8-       behaviourOBJ:giveSaluteMETHOD




Here visualFrame triggers both the personOBJ and the doesWhatOBJ.         In return both of these objects call frames to find who and what answers.  This requires a LOOP behaviour from the frames limited with success or failure.


How is a frame executed?

A frame becomes part of a loop action which checks its condition repeatedly.  When a frame is deployed the frame condition is iteratively checked till

1-       it is fulfilled with success

2-       it fails till the end of available data

3-       a certain time expires

4-       a higher priority frame or task has to be deployed.  This will either cancel the current frame or causes it to sleep – a wait condition.


A frame can not work more than once in the same moment. 

1-      Rabbit-duck illusion [2]

2-      You can see two different animals but you cannot see both of them concurrently

3-      If you practice you may see both as half animals of a picture but not completely concurrently.


More than one frame may work at the same time.

                1-Driving a car uses many frames that are called by automatic processes. 

                2-You may listen to music at the same time when suddenly your visualFrame causes you to react.


There are builtin frames that are deployed automatically (visual frames) and there are learned frames (driving related) that are deployed manually or automatically(walking, eating).


Vigilance/precaution etc. are frames that are deployed in relevant contexts.  These frames prepare a context or prepare a partition of objects that may be triggered according to the character of emergency.  A context provides the frames related to objects/methods in it by a continuously iterated loop.


“Frames are explicitly cognitive objects that individual actors possess; they are “‘schemata of interpretation’

that enable individuals ‘to locate, perceive, identify, and label’ occurrences within their life space

and “persistent patterns of cognition, interpretation, and presentation . . . by which symbol-handlers routinely organize discourse” [3]


Frames themselves are objects hence they are interpretetive schemas.  But when we say frame most likely we mention an instance of it.  The frame object is named as “ models of frames” and the related frames are instances of it.  Frames are interpretative schemata.  Frames and schemata are instances of objects, so they both have attributes and methods.  But frames have much more fixed and dedicated character.  For example they have only one collection which defines their condition where as an object may have many collections in it. And a schema may have many related collections in it.


Frames shall reside in a different location than schemata or normal objects.  They are continuously checked in a loop where as a schema is deployed once except in the case of recursion.  This leads to the possibility that frames may be deployed/located in somewhere such as Thalamus whereas schemata may reside in outer cortex???.  But it is certain that they are deployed/controlled by different functioning parts of the brain.  This remains to be inspected by objective tests.



[1] Michael Lee Wood, Dustin S. Stoltz, Justin Van Ness, and Marshall A. Taylor, “Schemas and Frames”,

Sociological Theory 2018, Vol. 36(3) 244–261 © American Sociological Association

[2] rabbit-duck illusion,

[3] Snow, David A., E. Burke Rochford, Steven K. Worden, and Robert D. Benford. “Frame Alignment

Processes, Micromobilization, and Movement Participation.” 1986 American Sociological Review 51(4):464-81.