Saturday, July 30, 2022

Introduction to AROUSING SENSE


My notes from AROUSING SENSE  of Tomie HAHN

 University of Illinois Press 2021 Urbana, Champaign Illinois


Smile so deeply and strongly that your eyes close.

Hear and feel anything?

As you release, notice what stirs in your awareness.


There is an endless sea of sensory information that we are immersed in, noticing what you are aware of (and what is filtered) reveals and situates your reality, your sensibility.


Sensory modalities express (manifest) energy and existence differently over time.


building awareness of the sensibilities someone else might be experiencing can expand our knowledge of self/other and open communications.


Deepening awareness, sensational knowledge, supports empathy and encourages compassion.  The consciousness starts with the smallest of impulses.  Shifting one's sensory point of view, being open, shedding assumptions, and inviting empathy and vulnerability into our explorations can enable deep revelations that we experience may not be the same as what others experience.


Let us ponder what sensory information might be absent, overlooked, or overshadowed because other sensory modalities mask its presence or because of our lack of awareness or sensitivity.


Fostering Transformation

new possibilities to collaboratively address the harsh political climate and social conflicts.


How ideas to move every one to their own edge of vulnerability flourish?  How curiosity, and creativity alongside emotional well-being?


engage embodied practices to observe how we think with the body.


creating prompts and offering them as experimental sensory challenges for others


The Importance of Time

Awareness of changes in sensory qualities over time magnifies presence.


Recognizing changes allows us to be sensitive to others, to pause, and to consider how to respond and interact.  I cannot emphasize enough how strongly the impact of heightened awareness

can be self-awareness, communication, and the sense of connectedness to others and our environment.


As an example try this:

Directly after reading this sentence, hold your palms against your ears, close your eyes and breathe in and out slowly, and note as many sensory details as possible. (Pause here.)  Although brief, such a pause in one's day can summon a deeper  understanding of time, sense, and being.


The nuance of sensory counters throughout the day ...  can provide profound transformations.



Curiously, the persistent sound of the ocean, so ever-present and noisy while traveling by boat, became filtered once on the island.  I imagine that the muting was partially my own sensory

filtering, not only due to my excited anticipation to listen to the chaotic bird chatter and wing flapping, but also because I was now habituated to the wall of ocean sounds. Sensory filtering.


Interpreting Sense

'Twas a sensory spoiler alert that would impose upon my first sonic acquaintance with puffins--a mere suggestion of an auditory memory, or scheme, that would initially not allow me to experience the actual puffin and razorback chatter.  Stolen sensory encounters.


I often wish that language did not impose on an initial experience.  The human capacity to use language, paired with our tendency to compare new experiences with the past, helps us to communicate and grow.  Schemas--frameworks that represent experiences, categories, and patterns that we have previously encountered--help us to discern, learn, and broaden our sensory vocabulary and provide a theory of learning through information processing and comparative judgments.  Growth arises throug a perturbation of previously experienced schemas.


Arousing Sense, and Situating Sense


arousing a blissful wonder


Sensory experience orients us in the world.  The senses situate us directly in a location and in the moment, as sensory experiences occur and change over time.  The more sensory impressions that arise and are noticed, the greater the memory imprint of that moment, event, environment.  Sensory experience is essentially about communication--transmission between our bodies and the environment, other individuals, and the interior landscape of our bodies.  what we sense and what we make of an experience reflexively reveals who we are, our environment, and our culture.  I value how attention to qualities of sensory experience conveys both our individuality and our connectedness  to our environments and other people and beings, if we are able to note our differences and similarities through our experiential engagements.


reflexivity supports transparency.  Identifying who is writing and why, from a clear voice, helps readers frame the text and to attempt to comprehend the perspective from the author's point of view.


If multisensory approaches to research and creative endeavors are acknowledged, disciplinary boundaries blur.  I propose that theory needs to follow experience and practice.  Rather than clutch a theoretical approach and proceed to apply it to an experiential encounter, theory needs to arise from

the wealth of experience, artifacts, creative output, fieldnotes, interviews, conversations, and so on.


Sensory experiences never occur in a vacuum, devoid of social, cultural, and environmental filters, insights, patterns, language, or emotions, simply because the person sensing embodies a cultural and personal background.


To be insensible--unconscious and unaware--of other people's sensibilities dismisses the rich diversity of our world, our humanity.



There's something about the iterative, cross-pollinating flow between creativity and research that offers a precarious edge to explore how art making and research inform each other.


Making and thinking need not be separate endeavors.


there is creativity in research and research in creativity.  Making and contemplating are engagements of embodied consciousness in practice.


Teaching Sense

How do we teach and learn from sense?


--the wisdom of the body? Can we reach beyond dualities?  Can we reach beyond(false)

constructs of only five senses to include other sensory modalities?  How can we reveal culturally constructed sensibilities?  How might we convey the potential profundity of sense without stating the obvious, "This is going to be a deep experience"?


Serving Sense

Here I arrive at the core of Arousing Sense.  Offer experience.  Offer sensory encounters.


Arousing Sense is a collection of experimental recipes for engaging sensory experiences.



Always hold vulnerability as a key to unlock sensational knowledge.  Be existentially open.  Resist defining.  How else might we step outside of ourselves and allow for experience to be fresh?


IF we are able to reveal and monitor our vulnerabilities, the dynamics of power and control issues that play out in ethnographic practice can be incorporated as  part of the work.