Sunday, September 15, 2019

Interaction Attributes

Interaction Attributes

Interaction character displays the basic elements that form every interaction either in one way or the other.

Interaction character is determined by various attributes:

1       1-      Loudness
         2-      Colour, Frequency, Timbre – spectral richness
3       3-      Speed
4       4-      Duration

When interaction is done through speech, loudness, the highness (frequency), the colour effects
the quality of the interaction.  Also, the speed in terms of words/second and duration of the syllables and consonants affect the quality of the speech.  At a higher level, the speed of the speech (also contentwise) and the duration spent on meanings are important.  Very fast speech may indicate aggression as well as loudness and use of dark colours.  Using a very colourfull rich sound with a wide spectrum may increase the chance of communication in bad transmission conditions.  Whereas a
tiny high frequency women  like tone may indicate pleading.  You can still stick with the standard jargon while communicating with the attributes of speech.

5       5-      Anticipation
6       6-      Burst mode – standard mode

Anticipation is very important in nonhuman interactions.  The system anticipates only conditions that are established before for interacting.  Anticipation is also vital for human interactions.  4444 and standard phraseology reduces the possibilities of speech and helps anticipate the communication between pilots and ATCOs.

Burst mode and standard mode are types of data transmission that are used for communication between computers.  But they are also used frequently in human to human communications.
Burst mode has three attributes, the duration of the burst,wait duration for the burst and  the max  latency of the burst.

7       7-      Articulation
8       8-      Envelope manipulation

Articulation is crucially important in human to human speech interaction.  When a human can not make himself understood he expresses himself articulately.  Similarly  when a transmission is not successful, computers switch to a higher quality data band.  Both of them are almost the same, increase the conditions for spectral richness of the voice.

9       9-      Dinamikness vs Staticity
1       10-   Partitioning

An interaction may have stable attributes all through its end.  Or it  may change according to its content or environment conditions.  Politicians use this attribute frequently and slow their speech or change their tone when expressing vital points.  Partitioning is done by pilots where they have to express a required but wellknown information by using a high speaking speed next to a normal speed delivery.

1       11-   Commitment

Commitment is done by identification of both sides in the interaction.  Commitment is an important attribute of interaction in all areas of life.  Psychiatrist Eric BERNE prefers to use the word commitment in place of interaction in his therapies.  He establishes an absolute aim or purpose for the patient and himself while the therapy continues.  Also, computer malware which intend to damage computers are widely based on tricks that overcome the commitment checks of the antvirus programs.

1       12-   one to one / one to many

Interaction may take one to one or one to many.  ATCO of each sector has assigned frequencies from which he may be called by pilots for one to one interaction.  In return the ATCO may call all the flights in his sector in case of emergency.

1       13-   wait, notify
1       14-   interrupt
1       15-   notify all

Wait is the situation when one of the interaction sides stops transmitting and  begins to wait  ANY call to himself.  This is also common in normal life and computers.  While talking in daily life one must leave spaces in his speech which will give his partner the chance to begin talking.  When there are more than 6-7 aircrafts (sometimes 10-12) in a single sector with a single ATCO it is important to use the standard ATC jargon which makes it easy and short to express things.

When you are using your computer, interrupts are used to stop the current task temporarily and do an urgent task.  ATC has its own keywords for emergency cases which is the same as computer interrupts.  When things get difficult ATCOs come to the help of the troubled sector and do human multiple processing to help eleviate the situation which is similar to multitasking-multipartitioning of computers.

Sometimes ATCO tells a flight to WAIT, maybe even to turn around a fixed control point.  When the traffic enables, he returns back and NOTIFY’s that flight to go ahead with landing/continuing.
NOTIFYALL is the more general of this case, NOTIFYALL enables all waiting flights to get into contact with the ATCO again.