Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Embodiment may reduce risk awareness

Embodiment may reduce risk awareness[3-10]

“A body schema works on a subconscious level.  It registers shape and posture of the body(without coming to awareness).   It makes a record of the momentary relative disposition of  one’s own body parts”.  “Prothestic devices can be absorbed in the body schema.  Just as a hammer in the carpenter’s hand is incorporated into his body schema, any virtual body part or interface(keyboard, mouse, joystick) can become part of the schema in a temporary or longlasting way[1]…” 

While embodiment eases systems control by the user it has some disadvantages and embodiment should be used carefully.

Walking down stairs is a simple example of embodiment.  The instrument used is the stairs.  The subconscious automatic process is stepping down the steps of the stairs.  We do not think what to do while we climb down the stairs.  The interface with the stairs is the steps.  The stairs has become part of our body.  They are embodied by us.

A person climbs down and up many times in his/her life.  But there are many examples of people falling or stumbling on the stairs.  The reason is; the subconscious process fails for some reason.
Subconscious processes are not flexible.  They can not change according to the context.  They can not handle unusual situations.  Stumbling on the stairs is  often caused by an irregular step that is not as high as the the others.

Subconscious processes are prone to be interrupted easily if one concentrates/focuses on something else consciously.  Focusing on something excludes all other processes hence stops automatic processes related to embodiment.

There are a number of situations that embodiment may hurt awareness:
1-      Conscious awareness may be required in risky situations. Embodiment gives a false sense of safety which stops conscious awareness.
2-      Embodiment may reduce risk awareness.  Even when everything looks in order-OK the large systems operator has to keep a sense of negative event possibilities so that his reaction time to respond emergency is short.  Risk awareness may be automatic by subconscious or manual by conscious processing.  Even when risk awareness is a subconscious process embodiment steals its resources.  Embodiment does not have the ability to pass the control on to risk awareness either.
3-      Embodiment reduces situation awareness.  A general sense of everything going on OK in a shared environment fosters embodiment’s automatic processing which hinders routine processes of situation checking.

“Consciousness can relate two separate conscious events.  Any conscious stimulus may serve as a signal for any other event.  The unconscious processes are closed boxes that can not relate.  This requires the performer to manage unconscious events and conscious events at a higher level of consciousness.[2] “   
 Overconfidence is not a simple feeling of ‘bravery’ that you can identify easily.  Even a coward person may behave with overconfidence caused by simple embodiment.

[1]Carolien HERMANS, 2002, Embodiment: the flesh and bones of my body.

[2] Josh McDermott, Global Workspace Theory: Consciousness Explained, Harvard Brain, 1995.

[3] Saral Ali R.: The Role of Interface in Embodiment

[4] Saral Ali R.: Arayüzün Vücut-Bulmada İşlevi

[5] Saral Ali R.: Vücut Benliği Besler

[6] Saral Ali R.: Body neurishes self

[7] Saral Ali R.: Vücut-buluş nedirl

[8] Saral Ali R.: What is embodiment?



Vücut-buluş Tehlike Uyanıklığını Azaltabilir

Vücut-buluş Tehlike Uyanıklığını Azaltabilir[3-10]
Embodiment may reduce risk awareness[3-10]

“Bir vücut şeması bilinçaltı seviyede çalışır.  Vücudun şekil ve duruşunu kayıt eder(farkında olmadan).  Kişinin vücut kısımlarının anlık göreli durumlarını kayıt eder.”.  “Protez cihazları vücut şeması içine emilebilir.Bir marangozun elindeki çekiç nasıl onun vücut şeması içine dahil edilebildiği gibi, herhangi bir sanal vücut kısmı ya da arayüz(keyboard, mouse, joystick) şemanın geçici ya da uzun vadeli parçası haline gelebilir[1]…” 
 “A body schema works on a subconscious level.  It registers shape and posture of the body(without coming to awareness).   It makes a record of the momentary relative disposition of  one’s own body parts”.  “Prothestic devices can be absorbed in the body schema.  Just as a hammer in the carpenter’s hand is incorporated into his body schema, any virtual body part or interface(keyboard, mouse, joystick) can become part of the schema in a temporary or longlasting way[1]…” 

Vücut-buluş kullanıcının sistemi kontrolünü kolaylaştırmakla birlikte, bazı olumsuzluklara da sahiptir ve vücut-buluş itina ile kullanılmalıdır.
While embodiment eases systems control by the user it has some disadvantages and embodiment should be used carefully.

Merdivenlerden aşağı yürümek basit bir vücut-buluş örneğidir.  Kullanılan enstrüman merdivenlerdir.  Bilinçaltı otomatik süreci merdivenlerden aşağı adım atmaktır.  Merdivenlerden inerken ne yapacağımızı düşünmeyiz.  Merdivenlerle aramızda arayüz basamaklardır.  Merdivenler vücudumuzun bir parçası haline gelmiştir.  Onlar bizim tarafımızdan vücut-bulmuştur.
Walking down stairs is a simple example of embodiment.  The instrument used is the stairs.  The subconscious automatic process is stepping down the steps of the stairs.  We do not think what to do while we climb down the stairs.  The interface with the stairs is the steps.  The stairs has become part of our body.  They are embodied by us.

İnsan merdivenlerden aşağı/yukarı birden çok defa inip/çıkar.  Fakat merdivenlerde takılıp düşen insan örnekleri çoktur.  Bunun nedeni; bilinçaltı eylem sürecinin bir nedenden başarısız olmasıdır.
Bilinçaltı süreçleri esnek değildir.  Bağlama göre değişemezler.  Olağanüstü durumları kaldıramazlar. Merdivenlerde takılmaya genellikle diğerleri ile aynı yükseklikte olmayan düzensiz bir basamak neden olur.
A person climbs down and up many times in his/her life.  But there are many examples of people falling or stumbling on the stairs.  The reason is; the subconscious process fails for some reason.
Subconscious processes are not flexible.  They can not change according to the context.  They can not handle unusual situations.  Stumbling on the stairs is  often caused by an irregular step that is not as high as the the others.

Subconscious processes are prone to be interrupted easily if one concentrates/focuses on something else consciously.  Focusing on something excludes all other processes hence stops automatic processes related to embodiment.

Vücut-buluşun farkındalığı/uyanıklığı zaafa uğratabileceği birkaç durum vardır:
There are a number of situations that embodiment may hurt awareness:
1-      Bilinçli farkındalık tehlikeli durumlarda gerekli olabilir.  Vücut-buluş bilinçli farkındalığı duruduran  sahte bir güvenlik duygusu verir.
Conscious awareness may be required in risky situations. Embodiment gives a false sense of safety which stops conscious awareness.
2-      Vücut-buluş tehlike uyanıklığını azaltır.  Herşey yolunda gittiğinde bile acil durumda tepki verme süresini kısa tutmak için, büyük sistem operatörü kötü olasılıklara ilişkin bir his beslemelidir.  Tehlike uyanıklığı bilinçaltında otomatik veya bilinç işleyişinde manuel olabilir.
Tehlike uyanıklığı bir bilinçaltı süreci olduğunda bile vücut-buluş onun imkanlarını çalar.  Vücut-buluş, kontrolü tehlike uyanıklığına geçirme yeteneğine de sahip değildir.
Embodiment may reduce risk awareness.  Even when everything looks in order-OK the large systems operator has to keep a sense of negative event possibilities so that his reaction time to respond emergency is short.  Risk awareness may be automatic by subconscious or manual by conscious processing.  Even when risk awareness is a subconscious process embodiment steals its resources.  Embodiment does not have the ability to pass the control on to risk awareness either.
3-      Vücut-buluş durum farkındalığını azaltır.  Paylaşılan bir ortamda, herşeyin yolunda gittiğine dair genel bir his, durum kontrolünün rutin süreçlerini engelleyen  vücut buluşun otomatik işlem süreçlerini körükler.
Embodiment reduces situation awareness.  A general sense of everything going on OK in a shared environment fosters embodiment’s automatic processing which hinders routine processes of situation checking.

Bilinç iki ayrık bilinç olayını ilişkilendirebilir.  Herhangi bir bilinçli uyarı bir başka olaya işaret vermek için hizmet edebilir.  Bilinçaltı süreçler başkaları ile ilişki kuramayan kapalı kutulardır.  Bu, icracının bilinçaltı ve bilinçli olayları daha üst bir seviyede kontrol etmesini gerektirir.” 
“Consciousness can relate two separate conscious events.  Any conscious stimulus may serve as a signal for any other event.  The unconscious processes are closed boxes that can not relate.  This requires the performer to manage unconscious events and conscious events at a higher level of consciousness.[2] “   
Aşırı güven kolayca belirlenen, basit bir ‘cesaret’ duygusu değildir.  Korkak bir insan bile basit vücut-buluşun yolaçtığı aşırı güven ile hareket edebilir. 
 Overconfidence is not a simple feeling of ‘bravery’ that you can identify easily.  Even a coward person may behave with overconfidence caused by simple embodiment.

[1]Carolien HERMANS, 2002, Embodiment: the flesh and bones of my body.

[2] Josh McDermott, Global Workspace Theory: Consciousness Explained, Harvard Brain, 1995.

[3] Saral Ali R.: The Role of Interface in Embodiment

[4] Saral Ali R.: Arayüzün Vücut-Bulmada İşlevi

[5] Saral Ali R.: Vücut Benliği Besler

[6] Saral Ali R.: Body neurishes self

[7] Saral Ali R.: Vücut-buluş nedirl

[8] Saral Ali R.: What is embodiment?



Saturday, July 20, 2019

The Element of Abstraction in Embodiment

The Element of Abstraction in Embodiment

The function of the interface is abstraction.  A push button on the panel of the pilot is an abstraction of a function that controls the behaviour of the airplane, the motors, specific wings and their parts etc.  The button isolates all that is done behind it.  The pilot does not have to think and manage how the flaps will be moved mechanically when he pushes the related button.  The button here is the device interface that becomes absorbed in the body schema of the pilot, or embodied by the pilot.

Similarly, the verbal command related to a specific process serves as an abstraction of it.  The pilot switches the related buttons by heart(automatically) when he decides or hears the related key words.  He does not think or try to remember which buttons to switch.  It has been coded in his subconscious long before during the trainings he has taken.

Abstraction is a ubiquitious  process in the structure of nature and the human mind.  Similarities of different
things come together and form a new group on these common aspects.  Abstraction eases cognition and sharpens/speeds up understanding.  (Children who learn abstraction early become very successful in life).
Abstractions may change according to the point of view.  For ex. Power failure, mechanical failure...  Same elements may be grouped differently and hence may have multiple abstractions.

The use of standard phrases in aviation and air traffic control is required because phrases serve as keywords for the abstraction of many words and sentences to express.  Abstraction not only simplifies and speeds up communication but also facilitates embodiment of the aircraft in the body of the pilot. 

To stop the embodiment process, one has to feel the interface again.  Remebering the interface reduces and stops the embodiment.  This can be observed when at the end of ground maneuvering/parking pilots begin to
do small talk btw each other.  This increases the awareness of speaking which is the command interface that triggers the automatic processes in their subconsciouses.  Switching from standard phrases to normal speech reduces the aircraft’s embodiment to the pilot.

[1]Carolien HERMANS, 2002, Embodiment: the flesh and bones of my body.
“A body schema works on a subconscious level.  It registers shape and posture of the body(without coming to awareness).   It makes a record of the momentary relative disposition of  one’s own body parts”.  “Prothestic devices can be absorbed in the body schema.  Just as a hammer in the carpenter’s hand is incorporated into his body schema, any virtual body part or interface(keyboard, mouse, joystick) can become part of the schema in a temporary or longlasting way…”
[3] Motions|June 21st, 2016; What Is The Subconscious Mind?

Body border loss in embodiment

Vücut-buluşta Soyutlama Unsuru

Vücut-buluşta Soyutlama Unsuru
The Element of Abstraction in Embodiment

Arayüzün işlevi soyutlamadır.  Pilotun önündeki panelde bir düğme, uçağın, motorların, belirli kanatların ve onların bazı kısımlarının davranışını kontrol eden bir fonksiyonun soyutlamasıdır.  Düğme ardında yapılan herşeyi saklar, izole eder.  Pilot ilgili düğmeye bastığında flapların mekanik olarak nasıl hareket ettirileceğini düşünmek ve yönetmek zorunda değildir.  Burada düğme pilotun vücut şeması içine emilen[1], onunla yek vücut-bulan cihaz arayüzüdür.
The function of the interface is abstraction.  A push button on the panel of the pilot is an abstraction of a function that controls the behaviour of the airplane, the motors, specific wings and their parts etc.  The button isolates all that is done behind it.  The pilot does not have to think and manage how the flaps will be moved mechanically when he pushes the related button.  The button here is the device interface that becomes absorbed in the body schema of the pilot, or embodied by the pilot.

Benzer şekilde, belirli bir işlem-süreci ile ilişkili bir sözel komut onun bir soyutlaması olarak hizmet eder.  Pilot ilgili anahtar kelimeleri duyduğunda veya karar verdiğinde onunla ilgili düğmeleri ezberden(otomatik olarak) çevirir.  Hangi düğmeleri çevireceğini düşünmez ya da hatırlamaya çalışmaz.  Bu onun bilinçaltına(!)[2] çok daha önce almış olduğu eğitimler sırasında yazılmıştır.
Similarly, the verbal command related to a specific process serves as an abstraction of it.  The pilot switches the related buttons by heart(automatically) when he decides or hears the related key words.  He does not think or try to remember which buttons to switch.  It has been coded in his subconscious(!) long before during the trainings he has taken.

Soyutlama doğada ve insan zihninde çok sık rastlanan bir süreçtir.  Farklı şeylerin benzerliği bir araya gelir ve bu ortak özellikler üzerinde yeni bir grup oluşturur.  Soyutlama muhakemeyi kolaylaştırır ve anlamayı keskinleştirir/hızlandırır(Soyutlamayı erken öğrenen çocuklar hayatta çok başarılı olur).  Soyutlama bakış açısına göre değişebilir.  Örn. Power failure, mechanical failure...   Aynı unsur farklı gruplara ait olabilir ve böylece farklı soyutlamaları olabilir.
Abstraction is a ubiquitious  process in the structure of nature and the human mind.  Similarities of different
things come together and form a new group on these common aspects.  Abstraction eases cognition and sharpens/speeds up understanding (Children who learn abstraction early become very successful in life).  Abstractions may change according to the point of view.  For ex. Power failure, mechanical failure...  Same elements may be grouped differently and hence may have multiple abstractions.

Hava Trafik Kontrolü ve Havacılıkta standart deyimlerin kullanılması gerekir çünkü deyimler çok sayıda kelimeleri ve cümleleri kolaylıkla ve hatasız ifade etmeye hizmet eder.  Soyutlama yalnız iletişimi basitleştirmez ve hızlandırmaz fakat aynı zamanda uçakla pilotun vücut-buluşu ile yek vücut olmalarını kolaylaştırır.
The use of standard phrases in aviation and air traffic control is required because phrases easily and precisely serve as keywords for the abstraction of many words and sentences to express.  Abstraction not only simplifies and speeds up communication but also facilitates embodiment of the aircraft in the body of the pilot. 

Vücut-buluşu durdurmak için, kişinin arayüzün varlığını yeniden hissetmesi gerekir.  Arayüzü hatırlamak vücut-buluşu zayıflatır ve durdurur.Bu durum yer manevrası/park etme sonunda pilotlar birbirleri ile sohbet etmeye başladıkları zaman görülür.  Bu, bilinçaltındaki otomatik işlem-süreçlerini tetiklemek için kullandıkları ‘komut arayüzü’ olan konuşmaya dikkatlerini çeker.  Standart deyimlerden normal konuşmaya geçiş uçağın pilot vücut-buluşuyla yek vücut olmasını zayıflatır.
To stop the embodiment process, one has to feel the interface again.  Remembering the interface reduces and stops the embodiment.  This can be observed when at the end of ground maneuvering/parking pilots begin to
do small talk btw each other.  This increases the awareness of speaking which is the command interface that triggers the automatic processes in their subconsciouses.  Switching from standard phrases to normal speech reduces the aircraft’s embodiment to the pilot.

[1]Carolien HERMANS, 2002, Embodiment: the flesh and bones of my body.
“A body schema works on a subconscious level.  It registers shape and posture of the body(without coming to awareness).   It makes a record of the momentary relative disposition of  one’s own body parts”.  “Prothestic devices can be absorbed in the body schema.  Just as a hammer in the carpenter’s hand is incorporated into his body schema, any virtual body part or interface(keyboard, mouse, joystick) can become part of the schema in a temporary or longlasting way…”
[2] Motions|June 21st, 2016; What Is The Subconscious Mind?

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Arayüzün Vücut-Bulmada İşlevi

Arayüzün Vücut-Bulmada İşlevi
The Role of Interface in Embodiment

“Protez cihazları vücudun sınırlarını genişletir.  Cildin sınırlarından öteye bir devamlılık yaratırlar[1].”
“Prothestic devices stretch the boundaries of the body.   They create a continuity beyond the limits of the skin[1].”

(Pilotlar, kaptanlar, enerji üretim kontrolörleri vb.) büyük sistem kontrolörleri tarafından kullanılan cihazlar onlar tarafından vücutlarının parçası gibi hissedilirler.  Yani uçağa, gemiye ya da işmakinasına manevra yaptırırken özellikle ellerini değil manevra ettikleri uçak, gemi ya da işmakinası sisteminin hareketini hissederler.
The devices that are used by large system controllers (pilots, captains, energy production controllers etc.)
feel as if the controlled system is a continuation of their bodies.  This means they do not feel their hands specificly but they feel the movement of the system, namely the maneuvering/turning airplane, ship or work machine.

Vücut-buluş sistem ve kontrolör arasındaki sınırı azaltır, yukarıda tarif edildiği gibi.  Bu sınır arayüz cihazıdır(örn. klavye, fare yada oyun çubuğu).  Vücut-buluş hissi arttığında arayüzü hissediş yani el ve arayüz cihazına değme hissi, azalır ya da tersi durumda artar.
Embodiment reduces the boundary between the system and the controller as described above.  This boundary is the interface device(for ex. keyboard, mouse, joystick).  When the feeling of embodiment increases the perception of the interface namely, the hand and the feeling of touching to the interface device, decreases and vice versa.

Havacılık, Hava Trafik Kontrolü ve herhangi bir navigasyon bir icra sanatıdır, en azından kısmen.  Bir icracı tarafından kullanılan bir enstrüman tipik bir vücut-buluş durumudur.  Enstrüman icracının vücut şemasının bir parçası haline gelir[1].
Aviation, Air Traffic Control, any type of navigation is a performance art, partially at least.  An instrument being performed by a performer is a typical case of embodiment.  The instrument becomes a part of the performer’s body schema[1].

Bir gitar, çalan müzisyen tarafından vücut-bulur.  İcracı sol el parmakları ile gitarın sap kısmında bir tele basar ve o teli sağ el parmakları ile çekip bırakır.  Enstrüman belirli tellerde belirli konumlardan belirli tizlikte sesler çıkacak şekilde tasarlanmıştır.  İyi çalışılmış bir müzik parçasını çalarken icracı ‘nasıl’ yada ‘nereden’ gitara basıp telleri çekeceğini düşünmez.  Herşey otomatiktir.  İlk zamanlarda enstrümanı çalmayı öğrenirken icracı seslerin çıktığı konumları hatırlamak için sol eline bakmak ihtiyacını hisseder.  Bir süre sonra otomatik süreçler kurulur ve ellerinin ne yaptığına artık bakmayı bırakır.  Enstrüman icracı ile vücut-bulmuş yek vücut olmuştur.  İcracı gitarı, ellerine ait bir parça gibi hissetmeye başlar.
A guitar gets embodied by its player.  The performer squeezes a string on the finger board with his left hand and plugs that string with his right hand.  The instrument is designed so that specific locations on specific strings produces various pitches.  When playing a well exercised music piece the performer does not think of ‘how to’ or ‘where to’ push and plug on the guitar.  It is automatic.  When learning the instrument in the early days, the performer needs to look at his left hand to remember the positions.  After a while the automatic processes get established and he stops looking at what his hand does.  The instrument has got embodied with the performer.  The performer feels as if the guitar is part of his hands.

Benzer şekilde, bir pilot kontrol panellerinde var olan çok sayıda düğmeler arasından bir grup düğmeyi çevirir.  Bu düğmeler uçağın davranışlarını, hangi kanatlarda hangi kısımların hareket edeceğini vb. kontrol eder. Pilot ilgili düğmeleri diğerlerinin arasında arayıp bulacak zamana sahip değildir.  Bu işlem otomatiktir.  Pilot bilinçaltı ile bunları bilir.  Bilinçaltı eğer düşünebilirsek farkında olabileceğimiz bütün tepkiler ve otomatik eylemleri tanımlar[3]”.  Uçağın kontrolü ve uçağın kendisi pilotun vücudunun bir parçası haline gelmiştir.  Uçak pilotta vücut-bulmuştur onunla yek vücut olmuştur.
Similarly, a pilot has to switch a number of switches among many availables on his control panels.  These switches control the behaviour of the airplane, the motors, specific wings and their parts etc.  He has no time to search the switches among all the others.  It is automatic.  He knows them by his subconscious.    "Subconscious defines all reactions and automatic actions we can become aware of if we think about them[3]“. The control of the airplane, hence the airplane itself has become part of the pilot’s body.  Airplane is embodied by the pilot.

[1]Carolien HERMANS, 2002, Embodiment: the flesh and bones of my body.
“A body schema works on a subconscious level.  It registers shape and posture of the body(without coming to awareness).   It makes a record of the momentary relative disposition of  one’s own body parts”.  “Prothestic devices can be absorbed in the body schema.  Just as a hammer in the carpenter’s hand is incorporated into his body schema, any virtual body part or interface(keyboard, mouse, joystick) can become part of the schema in a temporary or longlasting way…”
[3] Motions|June 21st, 2016; What Is The Subconscious Mind?

The Role of Interface in Embodiment

 The Role of Interface in Embodiment

“Prothestic devices stretch the boundaries of the body.   They create a continuity beyond the limits of the skin[1].”

The devices that are used by large system controllers (pilots, captains, energy production controllers etc.)
feel as if the controlled system is a continuation of their bodies.  This means they do not feel their hands specificly but they feel the movement of the system, namely the maneuvering/turning airplane, ship or work machine.

Embodiment reduces the boundary between the system and the controller as described above.  This boundary is the interface device(for ex. keyboard, mouse, joystick).  When the feeling of embodiment increases the perception of the interface namely, the hand and the feeling of touching to the interface device decreases and vice versa.

Aviation, Air Traffic Control, any type of navigation is a performance art, partially at least.  An instrument being performed by a performer is a typical case of embodiment.  The instrument becomes a part of the performer’s body schema[1].

A guitar gets embodied by its player.  The performer squeezes a string on the finger board with his left hand and plugs that string with his right hand.  The instrument is designed so that specific locations on specific strings produces various pitches.  When playing a well exercised music piece the performer does not think of ‘how to’ or ‘where to’ push and plug on the guitar.  It is automatic.  When learning the instrument in the early days, the performer needs to look at his left hand to remember the positions.  After a while the automatic processes get established and he stops looking at what his hand does.  The instrument has got embodied with the performer.  The performer feels as if the guitar is part of his hands.

Similarly, a pilot has to switch a number of switches among many availables on his control panels.  These switches control the behaviour of the airplane, the motors, specific wings and their parts etc.  He has no time to search the switches among all the others.  It is automatic.  He knows them by his subconscious.  "Subconscious defines all reactions and automatic actions we can become aware of if we think about them.[3]“ The control of the airplane, hence the airplane itself has become part of the pilot’s body.  Airplane is embodied by the pilot.

[1]Carolien HERMANS, 2002, Embodiment: the flesh and bones of my body.
“A body schema works on a subconscious level.  It registers shape and posture of the body(without coming to awareness).   It makes a record of the momentary relative disposition of  one’s own body parts”.  “Prothestic devices can be absorbed in the body schema.  Just as a hammer in the carpenter’s hand is incorporated into his body schema, any virtual body part or interface(keyboard, mouse, joystick) can become part of the schema in a temporary or longlasting way…”
[3] Motions|June 21st, 2016; What Is The Subconscious Mind?

Monday, July 08, 2019

Body neurishes self

Body neurishes self

We feel/move/manage our body with the assistance of our subconscious.  We do not think 'how to' when we are walking.  We move our body automatically through the automatic processes in our subconscious.  These processes are created in the childhood and through exercise/repetition later on.

"Subconscious defines all reactions and automatic actions we can become aware of if we think about them.  For example, our ability to drive a car: once we get skilled we stop thinking which gears to use, which pedals to press, or which mirror to look at, yet can always become aware of what was done once we think about it[3]."

Subconscious and automatic processes maybe percieved as a part of 'self'.  We can become aware of our body's movements if we focus on them.  If we do not focus on our body movements they are automatic.  Similarly, we do not percieve our body normally if it does not hurt.

Body is  the embodiment of self[1,2]. Just like the body, automatic processes exist as part of the 'self'.  We own them. 

If something is done automatically and later is noticed that it has been done, its validity is established via 'self', namely 'self-confidence'. 

Working on jobs which include risky situations, may replace the self-confidence with double-triple checking.  This may cause the loss of self-confidence of a person's trust to his own automatic processes.  Complete concentration for long periods may hurt the ability to do things automatically, hurting the subconscious.  “Surgeons may have difficulty walking the stairs down after long surgery operations”.

Overcoming embodiment may help to eleviate the stress caused by complete attention for long periods.  Touching, holding, moving interfaces makes the body reclaim its identity.  Anything that we percieve with our body makes us percieve our body also.  Thus, everything that we percieve with our body reminds us the self.  They nourish the self and make it stronger. 

The tendency in developing technologies is reducing the mechanical components in complex systems.  For ex. paper control strips in Air Traffic Control are replaced by video touch screens.  Airplane controls became controlled automatically which reduced the mechanical control of the pilots.  Reducing the mechanical components in the control interfaces reduces the possibility of the user to overcome the strong embodiment caused by high concentration and hence this causes loss of self-confidence.

Body neurishes self.  Interface shall nourish the self-confidence of the user.

[1]Carolien HERMANS, 2002, Embodiment: the flesh and bones of my body.
[2]Shaun Gallagher, 2000, Phenomenological and experimental
research on embodied experience, Department of Philosophy
and Cognitive Science Program
[3] Motions|June 21st, 2016; What Is The Subconscious Mind?