Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Polymorphic Focus


Focusing ability exists in all perception modalities.  You can focus on a single object and see it clearly or focus on a single instrument sound listening an orchestra, or a spesific smell in a fully working kitchen.

'Polymorphism is the ability of an object to take on many forms.  A parent class reference is used to refer a child class'.  For ex., you can refer to an elephant as an animal to decide whether it drinks water or not.

Usually, polymorphic focus can be observed as:  If you intend to look at the stems of trees while in a forest, you will see the stems clearer.  We use polymorphic focus while driving.  The driver focuses on the cars and pedestrians only.  Thanks to polymorphic focus he percieves a world formed of cars and pedestrians.

Polymorphism is an important ingredient of focusing.
It helps excluding/including mechanism of focusing.

Some additional conclusions:
The existence of polymorphic focus points at the fact that:

1-there is an input buffer besides the physically dedicated local input buffer(close to eyes, ears etc.)

2-the existence of polymorphic focus in all modalities indicates that the input buffer for all modalities are structurally similar.

3-the input buffers have a similar structure to the general short term memory.

4-this may bring flexibility to the brain to use these areas for different purposes.The difficulty to focus on input data may be explained as the area for input buffer being occupied by other processes.

5-the input buffers may be handled as heap memory which are demanded as necessary and released afterwards.  The heap memory is part of the short term memory to be used according to the demanded amount by the active processes in the working memory.