Saturday, July 20, 2019

The Element of Abstraction in Embodiment

The Element of Abstraction in Embodiment

The function of the interface is abstraction.  A push button on the panel of the pilot is an abstraction of a function that controls the behaviour of the airplane, the motors, specific wings and their parts etc.  The button isolates all that is done behind it.  The pilot does not have to think and manage how the flaps will be moved mechanically when he pushes the related button.  The button here is the device interface that becomes absorbed in the body schema of the pilot, or embodied by the pilot.

Similarly, the verbal command related to a specific process serves as an abstraction of it.  The pilot switches the related buttons by heart(automatically) when he decides or hears the related key words.  He does not think or try to remember which buttons to switch.  It has been coded in his subconscious long before during the trainings he has taken.

Abstraction is a ubiquitious  process in the structure of nature and the human mind.  Similarities of different
things come together and form a new group on these common aspects.  Abstraction eases cognition and sharpens/speeds up understanding.  (Children who learn abstraction early become very successful in life).
Abstractions may change according to the point of view.  For ex. Power failure, mechanical failure...  Same elements may be grouped differently and hence may have multiple abstractions.

The use of standard phrases in aviation and air traffic control is required because phrases serve as keywords for the abstraction of many words and sentences to express.  Abstraction not only simplifies and speeds up communication but also facilitates embodiment of the aircraft in the body of the pilot. 

To stop the embodiment process, one has to feel the interface again.  Remebering the interface reduces and stops the embodiment.  This can be observed when at the end of ground maneuvering/parking pilots begin to
do small talk btw each other.  This increases the awareness of speaking which is the command interface that triggers the automatic processes in their subconsciouses.  Switching from standard phrases to normal speech reduces the aircraft’s embodiment to the pilot.

[1]Carolien HERMANS, 2002, Embodiment: the flesh and bones of my body.
“A body schema works on a subconscious level.  It registers shape and posture of the body(without coming to awareness).   It makes a record of the momentary relative disposition of  one’s own body parts”.  “Prothestic devices can be absorbed in the body schema.  Just as a hammer in the carpenter’s hand is incorporated into his body schema, any virtual body part or interface(keyboard, mouse, joystick) can become part of the schema in a temporary or longlasting way…”
[3] Motions|June 21st, 2016; What Is The Subconscious Mind?

Body border loss in embodiment