Monday, May 25, 2020

Social Structure and Goal Structure

Edwin Hutchins, Cognition_in_the_Wild

When a problem has a deeply nested goal structure , a social hierarchy can provide a mechanism
for distributing the attention to various parts of the goal structure .  Social structure and problem representation both interact with goal structure in the implementations of solutions to the problem of sequential control of action .

Going Beyond the job description             
One important aspect of the social disuibution of this task is that the knowledge required to carry out the coordinating actions is not discretely contained inside the various individuals . Rather, much of the knowledge is intersubjectively shared among the members of the navigation team. This permits the human component of the system to act as a malleable and adaptable coordinating tissue, the
job of which is to see to it that the proper coordinating activities are carried out

Shared Task Performances
This ad hoc division of labor was based on a shared understanding  of the microstructure of the task. There was no verbal negotiation of the parts of the task to be done by each man; they simply created this coordination in the doing of the task. The social skills required to enter into shared task-performance relationships probably develop fairly early in life.

Flexibility and Robustness
If one human component fails for lack of knowledge , the whole system does not grind to a halt . If the task becomes difficult or communications break down , the navigation team does not have the option of stopping work . The task is driven by events and must be performed as long as the ship is underway .  In response to a breakdown , the system adapts by changing the nominal division of labor .

The social structure is not only the framework on which the communication is based, it is also the mechanism that is in place prior to the interactions to ensure that they take place as required .
Why should the pelorus operator cooperate? Because adequate performance is the currency of social interaction .

Performance as language of social interaction
A student was making a point about what people do at work, saying that in an auto factory people mostly make cars. Roy said something like: "How do you know what they are doing? Maybe
what they are making is social relationships and the cars are a side effect."