Saturday, May 03, 2008

The human experience is as priceles as the scientific

The human experience is as priceles as the scientific
that of the staff of SLAC in achieving its goals.

SLAC should not hesitate to share more of the
personal profiles, fotos, etc… How do they manage to
stand up at that point?

Like a star far a way in the sky,
that we can navigate with…

The (persis-mid) picture made me
remember how to smile a few days ago…
I had forgotten it somewhere
in the air traffic of Franfurt skies…



By the way:
Why do not you honor
ALL the former employees
who worked and contributed to SLAC
by arranging a web-page?
(The amount of information could
be a safety issue but at least names and
dates would not hurt). A colleague at Hughes
proposed this at EUROONTROL-Germaney
and they failed the test. I proposed this
at DHMI-Turkish ATC and they also
failed the test.